Monday, July 28, 2008

The waiting game.

You've been pretty patient to keep this bookmarked expecting updates. Fact is, I've essentially jumped ship where the real friends are at on Facebook. This whole time I've been periodically updating so you've missed out on SO. MANY. GEMS. Like the fact that I was in a karaoke contest and got third place (holla to a $50 bar tab), or that I'm going to Israel in three days as of post time. It's about time I went on an actual vacation.

I never said I lived an exciting life, but dagnabbit I have fun and enjoy myself immensely. So much that I don't even need to make it public knowledge. Believe me, I'm out there, if you look hard enough with your sociopath goggles, I am most definitely out there in true form like the ultimate nerd I am. You don't need to look here.

Sooner or later, when not being particularly bogged down with the daytime occupation, I would love to use this for what it was meant to be used for: songs I'm feeling at the moment not necessarily condusive to new shit...cause damned if I'm paying even the slighest attention to the exclusives. I've been doing a lot more studying than writing, a lot more listening than talking. That's the natural progression as you get older and realize some motherfuckers are acting the same way you did thre years ago.

Beta ain't going anywhere but I sure as hell am. And when I come back I'll actually have an excuse to use this (even if my ultimate reason for shying away is actually the format bullshit which I cannot stand). Sleep if you wanna, but keep your alarms on.

- E

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